Projects That Need Funding

Registering Orphans for Adoption in India
India is dealing with a big problem. With an estimated 20-31 million orphaned children, it is the largest orphan-bearing country in the world! Even more shocking? Only around 2,000 of these children are available for adoption. What does that mean? Millions of children who are truly orphaned will never be given the opportunity to be matched with a forever family. Instead they will grow up in an orphanage and age out to fend for themselves.  Together, we can change that! This social investigation program determines...
Where Needed Most
Give to the project where funds are needed most! By giving today, you can help meet the most immediate needs of the children and families we serve.
You can help orphans in Ukraine!
There are 100,000 children in Ukrainian orphanages and you can help place these children into loving families!
Support Chelsea in Southeast Asia
Chelsea came onto staff with A Family For Every Orphan May of 2014 and is our Program Director for Africa & Asia. To learn more about her role as an international staff member and how you can become a part of her support and prayer team, read more...
Support for Sarah Wolfe
Sarah has been serving as Chief Operations Officer since October 2011, but her journey with caring for children started a long time ago. As she explains it...
Pray for Every Orphan
Support Elaine as the Pray for Every Orphan Coordinator!
Heritage Ukraine
Heritage Ukraine works to strengthen vulnerable families and help children from all circumstances reach their fullest potential. Through a variety of programs, Heritage Ukraine is working towards the goal of an Odessa without orphans!
Ambassadors of Father's House
Our mission is to globally unite, motivate, and initiate social action projects among adoptees that help continue the efforts of Father’s House while making a difference in their community. Read more!
Support for World Without Orphans/Ruslan Maliuta
Your gift today will support the World Without Orphans Movement and Ruslan Maliuta.

Completed Projects

You Helped Nastya, Katya, and Andrje Remain With Their Foster Family!
Under the care of a nurturing family, they can tangibly experience the healing comfort and love of their Heavenly Father.
You Helped Denis and Darina Get Adopted!
With your support, Denis and Darina healed from their traumatic past. They are cherished and adored!
Thank You For Supporting Rebecca's Urgent Reunification
Rebecca has been missing for four years, lost on a train in India and placed in an orphanage. Her uncle and aunt have never stopped looking for her and Rebecca has been...


A Family for Every Orphan
PO Box 34628 #37939
Seattle, WA 98124-1628
Phone: 360-358-3293

May 9-11, 2018
CAFO Summit
Dallas, TX
November 12, 2017
Orphan Sunday
May 4-5, 2017
CAFO Summit
Nashville, TN
May 5-6, 2016
CAFO Summit
Orlando, FL

A Family for Every Orphan is a 501(c)(3) registered organization

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