Thank You For Making Amalia's Adoption Possible!

Update: September 2017


Through your generous giving, Amalia is officially adopted! In order to legally adopt Amalia, Simon and Lenuta needed to set up a separate bedroom for her (she was sharing a bedroom with her foster brother, Ionut). Your gifts completely covered all of Amalia’s adoption expenses! She now has the love, protection, and stability of a forever family.

Amalia was recently dedicated at her family’s church where her parents prayed over their new daughter and their future as a family. Additionally, Amalia’s family of four has grown to a family of five! Simon and Lenuta are fostering another little girl! Their example of helping the fatherless has motivated their church and community in Romania.

Thank you for making this adoption possible!

Thank You For Making Amalia's Adoption Possible!

Amalia with her brother, Ionut, and mom on vacation!



Thank You For Making Amalia's Adoption Possible!

After spending any amount of time with four-year-old Amalia, it’s hard to understand how this joyful little girl could have been abandoned in a hospital at birth. Yet this is the sad truth and all too familiar in Romania. Alone in a hospital is no place for anyone, especially an infant. But God had a plan for this sweet, innocent child.


Will you give today to help Amalia’s foster family adopt her?


When she was a year old, a local Christian couple, Simon and Lenuta, lovingly opened their hearts and their home to Amalia as her foster family. Amalia has thrived with Simon, Lenuta, and their adopted son, Ionut. She has grown to love music (Simon is a worship leader at their church) and loves to solve puzzles with her foster family. After three years of fostering, Simon and Lenuta want to officially adopt Amalia and give her a permanent place in their family! But they need your help…

Amalia and her foster brother Ionut currently share a bedroom. In order to legally adopt her, Simon and Lenuta must set up a separate bedroom for Amalia. They are stepping out in faith by adopting Amalia because once she is adopted the family loses the financial assistance that foster parents in Romania receive from the government. The cost to finalize Amalia’s adoption is $1,470.




Your gift today will cover Amalia’s adoption expenses, allowing her to know the love, protection, and stability of a forever family.



Thank You For Making Amalia's Adoption Possible!


Without the permanency of adoption, Amalia can potentially move to a different foster family, leaving behind the only sense of home she’s ever had. Living with Simon, Lenuta and Ionut is helping shape Amalia into the girl God intends her to be. The benefits of Amalia being adopted into a stable home cannot be overstated. She needs this family!

Thank you for having a heart for the world’s most vulnerable children. With your help, Amalia will never again be alone or abandoned. Instead, she will have a sense of belonging and a family to call her own.


A Family for Every Orphan
PO Box 34628 #37939
Seattle, WA 98124-1628
Phone: 360-358-3293

May 9-11, 2018
CAFO Summit
Dallas, TX
November 12, 2017
Orphan Sunday
May 4-5, 2017
CAFO Summit
Nashville, TN
May 5-6, 2016
CAFO Summit
Orlando, FL

A Family for Every Orphan is a 501(c)(3) registered organization

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