You've helped repair a home to reunite sisters Vera and Snezhana in Kyrgyzstan!


You've helped repair a home to reunite sisters Vera and Snezhana in Kyrgyzstan!


Exciting Update! Thanks to your generosity, repairs to Vera's house are underway. Soon the sisters will be reunited forever! We can't wait to share more updates as things progress. Thank you!

Can you imagine if the only thing separating you from a loving, permanent family was some minor electrical work and a few home repairs? That is exactly the situation for 13-year-old Snezhana in Kyrgyzstan. 

It doesn’t have to be that way. Someone wants to adopt her, but she needs YOUR help to make it happen. By sending a gift today, you can ensure that Snezhana experiences the warm embrace of family this fall. 

Snezhana’s parents died when she was young. At the time, her older sister Vera was unable to adequately provide for her, so she was sent to an orphanage and later placed in a foster family. Snezhana wants to be with her sister more than anything in the world!

Over the past three years, Vera has been working very hard to bring the house up to code so that she can adopt Snezhana. Only a few electrical upgrades and repairs remain, and they can be together again! 

All that stands between these sisters is $1,680 in renovations. Will you give today so that these sisters can be reunited permanently?

Your generosity will allow Vera to be there for her sister through the rough teenage years, and Snezhana will grow up knowing the love of a forever family.


You've helped repair a home to reunite sisters Vera and Snezhana in Kyrgyzstan!



You've helped repair a home to reunite sisters Vera and Snezhana in Kyrgyzstan!



You've helped repair a home to reunite sisters Vera and Snezhana in Kyrgyzstan! You've helped repair a home to reunite sisters Vera and Snezhana in Kyrgyzstan!



A Family for Every Orphan
PO Box 34628 #37939
Seattle, WA 98124-1628
Phone: 360-358-3293

May 9-11, 2018
CAFO Summit
Dallas, TX
November 12, 2017
Orphan Sunday
May 4-5, 2017
CAFO Summit
Nashville, TN
May 5-6, 2016
CAFO Summit
Orlando, FL

A Family for Every Orphan is a 501(c)(3) registered organization

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